Hadji Bayram Wali : An Awliya from Ankara

Bayram is his nickname, his real name is Nûmân bin Ahmed bin Mahmood. He was born in Ankara in 1352 and passed away in the same city in 1429. His tomb is a popular destination today just near the Hadji Bayram mosque in Ulus district of Ankara. He started studying Islamic disciplines as well as […]
Shaban-i Wali : An Awliya from Kastamonu

He was an important figure of during the 16th century Ottomans and was born in the city of Kastamonu. His birth year is unknown and he passed away in 1568. At an early age, he went to Istanbul to study Islamic disciplines like tafsir, hadith and fiqh. On his way back to Kastamonu after he […]
Amir Sultan : An Awliya from city of Bursa

Bursa is such a city in Turkey that every “sufi-traveller” must visit if they are interested in history of “tasawwuf” in the Anatolian peninsula. Since the city served as the earlier capital city of Ottoman empire, the spiritual magnetism that emitted from this city and dispersed through the neighboring areas helped to shape the authentic […]
Parsimony and generosity according to Islamic ethics.

Allaj(j.j) indicates in his holy book about the kind of people who can not see beyond their firm grasp of worldly possessions: And let not those who covetously withhold of the gifts which Allah Hath given them of His Grace, think that it is good for them: Nay, it will be the worse for them: […]
Abdulhakim Huseyni : An awliya from Adıyaman

He was one of the heirs of late 20th century awliya, Sheik Ahmed Haznawi, who was from Syria. He was born in Siirt in 1902 and passed away in 1972 in Ankara and he was buried in the city of Adıyaman, where his tomb is located today. Both his grandfather and father took special interest […]
Abdulhakim Arvasi’s notes to his students

Abdulhakim Arwasi is a late 19th century awliya who was born in Van in the year 1865 and passed away in Ankara in 1943. His notes to his students highlight the importance of education and “ilm” in the field of tasawwuf and related Islamic disciplines. He is known to suggest his students the following remarks; […]
Abdulmajid Shirwani : An awliya from Siirt

The exact birthdate of Shirwani is unknown but he is known to pas saway in the year 1564. He was born in the city of Siirt but mainly resided in the city of Tokat in the Anatolian peninsula. His father was also a known sheik around Siirt, by the name Waliyyuddîn. Shirwani was known to […]
Before the enlightenment, before the renaissance, there was tasawwuf ethics

In today’s modern world, readers are deliberately forced to observe History of Islam through “distorted” lens and usually the “spread of wisdom of strong ethical philosophy” during those centuries like 8th, 9th and 10th are rarely mentioned. In fact, during those centuries cities like Baghdad and Damascus were sophisticated education centers and the teachers by […]
Ahmed Shamseddin Marmarawi : An awliya from Manisa

He was born in Akhisar in the year of 1435. After he received his formal education there, he went to the city of Uşak to meet Sheik Alâeddeen Ushhakî, to study tasawwuf in his dergah. From there, his sheik Ushhaki sent him to the city of Manisa so that he can share what he learned […]
Resources for studying history of tasawwuf

Islamic tasawwuf has a long and rich tradition of history, therefore this discipline has multi-layers of resources for studying. The books written under the study of tasawwuf can be categorized as follows. 1) Philosophical books on tasawwuf: These kind of studies center around topics like adjectives of Allah(j.j) and His creation, the relationship between human […]