Asr-i Saadath : Age of peace, prosperity and happiness

Asr means era and saadath means happiness. This phrase is a term of Islamic history, used to describe the period of Prophet Muhammad (saw). After him, there were many different periods in Islamic history like the periods of Umayyads, Abbasids, Fatimids, Seljuks and Ottomans. Before any of these eras, it was the time and age […]
Muhaddith : The abutments of sunnah

The muhaddith is like the person who helps to strengthen the bridge between Rasulullah(saw) and the rest of the humanity. The dictionary defines the word muhaddith as the kind of Islamic scholar who is study “hadith”. That definition is correct in the “dictionary” sense of the word but we are talking about Rasulullah(saw), the last prophet […]
Examples of Rasulullah(saw) Prayers

O! Allah!(j.j) As you have created me in beauty, attain my manners beautiful as well; Until the day I die, help me utilize my ears and eyes to full extend; In my religion and in my body, give me health and security; Until I retain my rights, help me fight against the tyrants; Help me […]
Rasulullah(saw) On Education

Prophet Muhammad(saw) is the last prophet sent to mankind. Therefore, it is absolutely essential to understand that his sunnah, sum of all of his behaviors, attitudes, actions and mental faculties are based on principles which are universal. In such context, his attitude towards education highlights the importance and the value of “knowledge” in Islam. Since […]
Sahaba’s awareness of the Prophet(saw)

What we mean by the term “awareness of the Prophet(saw)” is that Sahaba’s opinion and perception of his life, personality, mission, wisdom, attitude and his behaviors. The most accurate perception of any person can be gathered in the soundest way by his close companions, family members and relatives. The same norm applies to the Prophet(saw) […]
The word Sunnah : An honor in role model

The word Sunnah has several meanings path, advancing, nature, sharia, face, familiar way. It also refers to whole sum of Prophet Muhammed’s(saw) words, actions and explainations. Holy Quran mentions this word of sunnah as “sunnatu al-awwaleena”, in four suras with the meanings of “the traditions of the antedated nations’ path” and “judgement applied to antedated […]
Personal Counseling from Prophet Muhammad(sav)

One day a stranger came nearby Prophet Muhammad(sav) and asked him “I have some questions for you regarding this world and life after”. He replied : “Ask whatever you want” After that, the following dialogue took place between the stranger and Rasulullah(sav) Man: I want to be the richest among the men Rasulullah(sav) : Only […]
Grinding and Smoothing Modernity to Embrace Sunnah

There are many approaches today to analyze the importance of following Rasulullah’s(saw) sunnah in Islamic aqeedah. Some of these approaches fall short-sighted since they look through the scopes of modernity. Unfortunately, this loose cannon, this “one of the most baseless and fake school of thought in the history of mankind” has become a gigantic monster […]
Explaining Sunnah to modern day readers for a better understanding of Holy Quran.

A hadith narrated from Aise(r.a) informs us that Prophet Muhammad’s ethics and ethical manners were based on Holy Quran. This hadith alone is enough for every Muslim to grasp the true meaning of importance of following firmly Rasulullah(saw)’s sunnah. We all know that in order to understand Quran in a better way, we follow him. […]
Shamael-e Sharefe: Exemplary Nature and Personal Habits of Rasulullah(saw)

We all know that Prophet Muhammad(saw) is a role model for every Muslim. Shamael-e Sharefe is a term used in Sunnah and Islamic history to describe the total sum of behaviors, attitudes and daily habits of him. This Shamael term has rings of “character and spirit” as well, sharefe means the honored one. His sahaba […]