Bathi Badal Mawt : Belief in resurrection according to Islamic thought

This term is one of pillars of Islamic faith. Every Muslims believes in resurrection, the concept of returning to life after death on the day of judgement. It is also called “hasree ajsad” which means gathering and union of the corpses. Or, alternatively, it is named as nashae uhra, the second creation. Quran warns; The […]
Not just worship : Semantic layers of the word ibadah.

The word ibadah corresponds to such a life style and state of being, which is one of the fundamental structures of Islam. If Islam is a like ship, ibadah is the mast. However, this important notion’s meaning is not underscored properly if it is translated into English just as “worship” Language is a living organism. […]
Ikhlas : The essence of sincerity for Islamic aqeedah

The concept of Ikhlas is very essential to understand the Islamic aqeedah. Because Islamic aqeedah is not simply to believe in eternal life and an omni-potent creator but it is also a informational psyche that is perpetual and a life-style that fuels this psyche. Like many words that act as a milestone for Islamic aqeedah, […]
Yaqeen : Absolute form of belief

Yaqeen is an aqeedah term in Islam, related to the degree of faith. According to Islamic logic, yaqeen is a term used to describe a state of mind or a state of “postulate” that doesn’t need any further explanation or assumption. Such state is considered as “proven beyond doubt and needs no further allegations or […]
Amal-i Saleeh : Personal Ego Eraser

Amal-i Saleeh is an important concept in Islamic aqeedah. Saleeh can be simply explained as “good” and amal is “works”. In many cases, amal-i saleeh is translated into English as “good deeds” but it is actually a bit problematic, if not short sighted, to claim such correspondence. Because “sawaap” also means every little good action […]
Tahgoot : Perpetual Characterization of Evil Systems

The term taghoot is closely related with the tahweed concept which is the core establishment of Islamic aqeedah. The word taghoot comes from the root tega which is related to toogyan as it means “rebellion against Allah(j.j) Anyone or any “ism” or any political movement or ideology or socio-economic system that rejects the arbitraments and […]
Haya : Concept of Shyness in Islamic Thought

Haya is an important topic in Islamic aqeedah and ethics and one of those unique terms that are difficult to translate into western languages. Haya is one of the main ingredients of Islamic ethics, one prime attribute of a “true Muslim”. First, Haya’s orientation and reference point is not “this world”. One can have haya […]
Four grand angels in Islamic faith

According Islamic aqeedah, in other words faith system, there are four major angels that have various tasks and hold a special “mention” in the divine order. There are many suras in Holy Quran that teaches us about the characteristics about angels, yet what we know about them is very little compared to the unknowns and […]