Ikhlas : The essence of sincerity for Islamic aqeedah

The concept of Ikhlas is very essential to understand the Islamic aqeedah. Because Islamic aqeedah is not simply to believe in eternal life and an omni-potent creator but it is also a informational psyche that is perpetual and a life-style that fuels this psyche. Like many words that act as a milestone for Islamic aqeedah, […]
Types of Tawheed : Integrity of Islamic aqeedah

Tawheed is the core, fundamental belief segment in Islam and basically it means to reject any deity other than Allah the almighty. Any sane person would not claim partnership to His creation in this age and would stay away from paganism. However tawheed in Islamic aqeedah has a broader meaning, it is not just related […]
Beauty of non-iconographic mentality in Islamic Aqeedah

Since the beginning of mankind’s “written” history, humans used every kind of symbols to communicate. Language, a set of symbols is one the communication tools. There are other mediums for communication, icons are the driving force behind the flow of communications. Without icons, human interaction through symbols would be very shallow and boring. Humans tend […]
Non-Linearity of End Times Concept in Islamic Aqeedah

Many belief systems rely on attracting followers by foreshadowing upcoming events and relish in being harbinger of eschatological happenings since humankind is naturally and ever-presently is interested in “knowing and/or predicting the future”. Today, many charlatans are regarded as “futurologists” and we watch documentaries about them, how in their twisted lunacy and haze, they “predicted” […]
Attributes of Allah(c.c) according to Islamic Aqeedah

In Islamic aqeedah, there are two types of attributes of Allah(j.j) which should not be mixed with Asma-ul-Husna. Asma-ul-Husna is 99 names of Allah(j.j), these fourteen attributes are more like properties that describe our creator. These attributes are divided in two categories; Zatee Attributes(The ones that are found only in Allah(j.j) and unique to Him) […]
Horns of Judgement day according to Islamic aqeedah

There are two terms of “Nafha-e Ula” and “Nafha-e Saneeyah” in Islamic aqeedah. Nafha means to blow and these stages represent the phases of the “final hour”. Actually there is only one “horn of judgement day” but this horn will be blown twice, therefore we’re mentioning it as “horns” And the Day that the Trumpet […]