Not just worship : Semantic layers of the word ibadah.

The word ibadah corresponds to such a life style and state of being, which is one of the fundamental structures of Islam. If Islam is a like ship, ibadah is the mast. However, this important notion’s meaning is not underscored properly if it is translated into English just as “worship” Language is a living organism. […]
Does being a zaheed means living in a cave?

In today’s world Muslims face many challenges, some are vitally dangerous to our faith. One of these challenges is the “issue of compatibility of Islam and modernism”. Like many of these so-called “issues”, the issue of compatibility of Islam and modernism is a fake one, and such construction has obviously has its roots in orientalism. […]
Abd : Defining human existence

Abd is an fiqh related term in Islamic studies, it as well has an great significance as a tasawwuf concept as well since it radically defines and an paints an existential depiction who and what is an human being in regards of Allah(j.j) The simple definition of the term abd means is “slave” but this […]
Psychological Benefits of Dhikr

All forms of religious exercises, prayers and dhikrs induce the soul closer to Allah(j.j). Dhikr means remembering Allah(j.j) both in heart and tongue as well. Such acts give one’s self the impression that he is under the guidance and protection of Allah(j.j) and his hopes for salvation and bond of forgiveness will become stronger consequentially […]
Concept of Zuhd: Asceticism in sufism

Concept of zuhd(asceticism) has an pivotal place in the way of “tasawwuf”. It means lack of desire, staying away from anything vogue and being content with less. A heart with zuhd gives less importance to worldly needs and advantages, refrains from being opportunist and selfish, carries as little as concerns for self-benefits and becomes fully […]
Bayna’l Khawf Ve’r Raja – Between Hope and Fear

This is a term of Aqeedah, belief system and it means to strike a balance of “hope and fear” while one spirit’s journey on the path to Allah. Khawf means fear, raja means hope. One should have a balance of both, neither should dominate the soul. There should be room for both feelings. It is […]
Sura Al-Alaq : The initiation of inscription process and owner of knowledge

Sura Al-Alaq is the 96th sura of Holy Quran. The first five ayats of this sura are the first revealed ayats of Islam’s Holy Book. Some scholars call the sura as “Iqra” since it is the first word of the sura and some call it “Al-Qalem” since it mentions “reading and writing by pen” but […]
Beauty of non-iconographic mentality in Islamic Aqeedah

Since the beginning of mankind’s “written” history, humans used every kind of symbols to communicate. Language, a set of symbols is one the communication tools. There are other mediums for communication, icons are the driving force behind the flow of communications. Without icons, human interaction through symbols would be very shallow and boring. Humans tend […]
Jahiliyya : A Sample of modern times

The Term Jahiliyya is used to describe the period before Islam and Prophet Muhammad’s(saw) divine call for the people of Arabian peninsula. It comes from the word jahil, which means ignorant, such a word is used to point out a man who lacks necessary knowledge about a particular subject. In broader term it might also […]
Tahgoot : Perpetual Characterization of Evil Systems

The term taghoot is closely related with the tahweed concept which is the core establishment of Islamic aqeedah. The word taghoot comes from the root tega which is related to toogyan as it means “rebellion against Allah(j.j) Anyone or any “ism” or any political movement or ideology or socio-economic system that rejects the arbitraments and […]