List of 54 fards

The famous list of 54 fards is like compendium of a list of actions that every Muslim should do and it is consist of “easy-to-remember” things to do: 1) Remembering Allah(j.j) 2) Halal gain and Halal food only 3) Prayer ablution 4) Praying 5 times a day 5) Gusl(body) ablution 6) Allaj(j.j) will gives us […]
Different degrees of the nafs

In tasawwuf nafs means self, psyche, ego or soul. Some Sufis suggest that there are six degrees of nafs and claim this intellection based on Quranic evidence. Nafs-i-ammara: The kind of nafs that doesn’t care about Allah(j.j) commands and prohibitions and follows mundane pleasures. Nafs-i-lawwama: Here the nafs sometimes follows Allah(j.j) guidelines and feels sorry […]
Sura Ar-Room : A definite miracle through historical perspective correction

Sura Ar-Room is one of the Meccan suras that starts with an historical remark which turned out to be a definite miracle of Allah(j.j). The sura gets its name from the Arabic word of Room which means “The Romans” and refers to Byzantine empire by then. The sura starts with an historical anecdote: The Romans […]
Jahiliyya : A Sample of modern times

The Term Jahiliyya is used to describe the period before Islam and Prophet Muhammad’s(saw) divine call for the people of Arabian peninsula. It comes from the word jahil, which means ignorant, such a word is used to point out a man who lacks necessary knowledge about a particular subject. In broader term it might also […]
Attributes of Allah(c.c) according to Islamic Aqeedah

In Islamic aqeedah, there are two types of attributes of Allah(j.j) which should not be mixed with Asma-ul-Husna. Asma-ul-Husna is 99 names of Allah(j.j), these fourteen attributes are more like properties that describe our creator. These attributes are divided in two categories; Zatee Attributes(The ones that are found only in Allah(j.j) and unique to Him) […]
Prophet Shuayb(as) and Qawm Madyan

Shuayb Alaihis-salaam is one of the many prophets mentioned in Holy Quran, serving as a cautionary example of a nation that has chosen and insisted on the wrong path despite persistent attempts of a divine messenger to bring them back to where they should be, being servants of Allah(j.j) There are several suras mentioning the conflict between […]
Ashrafoglu Rumi : An awliya from Nicaea

Ashrafoglu Rumi, who is also known as Ashrafzade-i Rumi is one of the medieval Anatolian mutasawwufs from the city of Nicaea. This city holds a special place in the history of Ottomans since it served in the 14th century as a capital city for the Ottoman empire. The city is also famous for handcrafts and […]
Zakat :The bridge of Islam

Salat is considered as the mast of Islam and along with it zakat is called “the bridge of Islam”. According to a hadith in Bukhari, Prophet Muhammad(saw) warned messengers whom are sent to invite people to Islam as firstly they should inform people about tahweed of Allah(j.j), then the reality about his prophethood, then they […]
Grinding and Smoothing Modernity to Embrace Sunnah

There are many approaches today to analyze the importance of following Rasulullah’s(saw) sunnah in Islamic aqeedah. Some of these approaches fall short-sighted since they look through the scopes of modernity. Unfortunately, this loose cannon, this “one of the most baseless and fake school of thought in the history of mankind” has become a gigantic monster […]
Tahgoot : Perpetual Characterization of Evil Systems

The term taghoot is closely related with the tahweed concept which is the core establishment of Islamic aqeedah. The word taghoot comes from the root tega which is related to toogyan as it means “rebellion against Allah(j.j) Anyone or any “ism” or any political movement or ideology or socio-economic system that rejects the arbitraments and […]