Prophet Jesus(a.s) and Virgin Mary(r.a) according to Holy Quran and Islamic faith

In today’s Islamophobia and disinformation driven world, many westerners are surprised to find out about substantial information about Prophet Jesus(a.s) and his mother Virgin Mary(r.a) contained in Holy Quran and therefore in the teachings of Islamic faith. The dominant media expects a gain from quarrels between Christians and Muslims, thus would do their best to […]
Concept of Fiqh : Set of rules and laws on religious exercises, rights and wrongs on Islam

The word fiqh means is to understand, comprehend something to its full content. Another definition of fiqh is “what kind of in-depth knowledge should a Muslim have about set of rules and laws on religious exercises, rights and wrongs on Islam. Also it means detailed knowledge available to a person to interpret reasoning behind wording […]
Adabali : An awliya from the birth period of Ottoman Empire

Adabali was one important awliya of Anatolia and he had a prominent role during the establishment years of Ottoman empire. He was the father in law and the teacher of Othman Gazi, who was the first sultan of Ottomans. It is believed that he was born in Karaman in the year 1206 and passed away […]
Amal-i Saleeh : Personal Ego Eraser

Amal-i Saleeh is an important concept in Islamic aqeedah. Saleeh can be simply explained as “good” and amal is “works”. In many cases, amal-i saleeh is translated into English as “good deeds” but it is actually a bit problematic, if not short sighted, to claim such correspondence. Because “sawaap” also means every little good action […]
Life of Sahaba and why it matters to Muslims to know about them

The word sahaba is the plural of sahib and is used to describe certain group of people in the history of Islam who has seen and/or heard Prophet Muhammad(saw) at least once in their lifetime. All Islamic scholars consider them to be superior to mankind after all of the prophets of Allah(j.j). There are even […]
Quran Tafsir:Sura Al-Humaza

Sura Al-Humaza This sura is the 104th sura in Holy Quran. It has been revealed in Mecca. It contains 9 ayats and its name is derived from the word which is found in the first ayat, humaza. Humaza means the kind of person who gossips around and back bites. This sura is like the panorama […]
Birgivi : An Awliya of Smyrna

His real name is Muhammad, but he is known after the name of Smyrna’s town of Birgi, where his tomb is located. He was born in the city of Balıkesir in 1521 and passed away in 1573 in the town of Birgi, Smyrna. History remembers him also by the name of İmam-ı Birgivi and he […]
Tafakkur: An Islamic method of epistemology

Tafakkur means to think on a subject very deeply. It is a very humane activity and presumably the only activity that makes human beings superior to other creatures. In Islamic thought it is suggested to think deeply on the things Allah(j.j) has created. There is one ayat in Holy Quran which has effected Prophet Muhammad(saw) […]
The word Sunnah : An honor in role model

The word Sunnah has several meanings path, advancing, nature, sharia, face, familiar way. It also refers to whole sum of Prophet Muhammed’s(saw) words, actions and explainations. Holy Quran mentions this word of sunnah as “sunnatu al-awwaleena”, in four suras with the meanings of “the traditions of the antedated nations’ path” and “judgement applied to antedated […]
Beauty of non-iconographic mentality in Islamic Aqeedah

Since the beginning of mankind’s “written” history, humans used every kind of symbols to communicate. Language, a set of symbols is one the communication tools. There are other mediums for communication, icons are the driving force behind the flow of communications. Without icons, human interaction through symbols would be very shallow and boring. Humans tend […]