Quran Tafsir : Sura Al-Zalzala

Sura Al-Zalzala It’s the 99th sura in Holy Quran. Some scholars argue that it has been revealed in Mecca but an account from Abu Said El-Hoodre strengthens the possibility that this sura has been revealed in Madina. Because he asked Prophet Muhammed(saw) about the last two ayats of this sura; Then shall anyone who has […]
Resources for studying history of tasawwuf

Islamic tasawwuf has a long and rich tradition of history, therefore this discipline has multi-layers of resources for studying. The books written under the study of tasawwuf can be categorized as follows. 1) Philosophical books on tasawwuf: These kind of studies center around topics like adjectives of Allah(j.j) and His creation, the relationship between human […]
Sahaba’s awareness of the Prophet(saw)

What we mean by the term “awareness of the Prophet(saw)” is that Sahaba’s opinion and perception of his life, personality, mission, wisdom, attitude and his behaviors. The most accurate perception of any person can be gathered in the soundest way by his close companions, family members and relatives. The same norm applies to the Prophet(saw) […]
Literary theory differences in understanding the aesthetical narration of Quran

There are many different interpretations in the field of Quran Tafsir and many different schools of thoughts in Islamic sciences in general, that claim the “miraculous literary” structure of Quran. Holy Quran is absolutely a miracle in many ways, literature is one of them. However, if the narrative structure of Holy Quran is not explained […]
Sibgetullah Arwasi : An Awliya from Bitlis

He is one of the most important scholars of late Ottoman era and he is one of the students of Taha-i Hakkari. He passed away in the year of 1870 and his tomb is located in Gayda village of Hizan district in Bitlis. With the influence of his father he started studying tafsir, hadith, and […]
Akhirat:Belief in Afterlife in Islam

The word Ákhirah or Akhirat has a meaning of “the ultimate, the ending, finally”. It has opposite meaning of “before”. In Islamic literature, it is used to describe “after life, life after death and the other side” The world here is the place for the living things and the Akhirat is the phase of afterlife. […]
Sura Al-Alaq : The initiation of inscription process and owner of knowledge

Sura Al-Alaq is the 96th sura of Holy Quran. The first five ayats of this sura are the first revealed ayats of Islam’s Holy Book. Some scholars call the sura as “Iqra” since it is the first word of the sura and some call it “Al-Qalem” since it mentions “reading and writing by pen” but […]
Concept of Heva: Ardour and overweening ambition according to tasawwuf

Heva means empty, full of air, futile and worthless. It is a concept used by sufis to indicate someone’s nafs, in other words, soul’s inclination towards and dependency on personal desires and lust. If heva overcomes reason in any human being, the person will be under the command of his nafs, thus leading his soul […]
Taha-i Hakkari : An Awliya from Hakkari

He is one of the important awliyas from Anatolia region of the Islamic world and he is considered as a member of “Silsile-i Aliyye”, who is the fortunate group of awliyas whom spent and dedicated their lives to forecasting mankind about the do’s and don’ts of Allah(j.j) He is the 11th grand-son of the great […]
Hawas-i Selime : Elements of cognition according to Islamic aqeedah

Hawas-i Selime is a concept in Islamic aqeedah related with how we perceive our world and how we process the information we receive from it. Hawas is the plural of hassa, its semantic roots has several layers of meaning related to words like cognition, understanding and faculty of perception. Selim means something that works and […]