Ahmed Shamseddin Marmarawi : An awliya from Manisa

He was born in Akhisar in the year of 1435. After he received his formal education there, he went to the city of Uşak to meet Sheik Alâeddeen Ushhakî, to study tasawwuf in his dergah. From there, his sheik Ushhaki sent him to the city of Manisa so that he can share what he learned […]
Yaqeen : Absolute form of belief

Yaqeen is an aqeedah term in Islam, related to the degree of faith. According to Islamic logic, yaqeen is a term used to describe a state of mind or a state of “postulate” that doesn’t need any further explanation or assumption. Such state is considered as “proven beyond doubt and needs no further allegations or […]
Fuqahay-i Seba:Seven Faqih of Madina

Seven faqih who lived in Madina. They are from tabiun. Faqih is a scholar who is an expert in Islamic jurisprudence. Some children of the sahaba and tabiun moves to rural areas and kept a low profile during the reign of Umayyad Dynasty, since some of the sahaba disdained the authority of the Umayyad Dynasty. […]
Concept of Zuhd: Asceticism in sufism

Concept of zuhd(asceticism) has an pivotal place in the way of “tasawwuf”. It means lack of desire, staying away from anything vogue and being content with less. A heart with zuhd gives less importance to worldly needs and advantages, refrains from being opportunist and selfish, carries as little as concerns for self-benefits and becomes fully […]
Ismail Haqqi Bursawi : An awliya of Bursa

Bursawi was born in 1652 after his father migrated to Aydos town in Balkanians, when the whole family lost their housing and furnitures because of a great fire. He started studying fiqh, tafsir, qelam, hadith, grammar and linguistic as well as logic at early age. He is also known to produce a handwritten copy all […]
Sura At-Takwir : The burden of contemplating over doomsday events

Sura At-Takwir is the 81st sura of Holy Quran and has been revealed in Mecca and its main subject is judgement day. It is one of the suras that Prophet Muhammad(sav) mentions as “the kind of sura that has increased “aging” of me. So, how can a sura age a person, especially the very prophet […]
Characteristics of Angels according to Islamic thought

To believe in angels is an obligatory action, in other words, fard, for every Muslim. It is an essential prospect of Islam since certain attributes regarding their existence and characteristics are briefly mentioned in Holy Quran and many hadith of the Prophet(saw) Since angels are intermediary creatures that transmit the divine revelation from Allah(j.j) to […]
Bayna’l Khawf Ve’r Raja – Between Hope and Fear

This is a term of Aqeedah, belief system and it means to strike a balance of “hope and fear” while one spirit’s journey on the path to Allah. Khawf means fear, raja means hope. One should have a balance of both, neither should dominate the soul. There should be room for both feelings. It is […]
Different meanings of the word Zuhd

Zuhd is an important concept in Islamic tasawwuf and has multi-layered meanings. It can mean the following; Lack of extreme ambitious, lack of demand and feeling indifferent to worldly needs, Not feeling opportunist for daily, mundane wishes, Not being selfish, Be content with what one has under his possession, Not lamenting over certain mundane losses, Zaheed […]
Abdurraheem Merzifoni : An awliya from Amasya

He was one of the awliyas through the rising period of Ottoman Empire, during the reign of Murat the second, the father of Sultan Mehmet the second, who conquered Istanbul. District of Merzifon in Amasya was a well known tasawwuf and “ilm” center between 14th and 16th centuries. Abdurraheem Merzifoni passed away in Merzifon district […]