Trip to Taif : Saddest day in the life of Rasulullah(saw)

In the year Prophet Muhammad’s(saw) beloved companion Khadije(r.a) and Abu Taleb(r.a) passed away, which is also called “the year of sorrow”, he made a trip to the city of Taif with the hopes of inviting the city’s population to Islam. This was at a time when the Mecca’s population’s arrogant objection to his divine call […]
Thawr Cave : a story of a shelter from the pages of history of Islam

Thawr Cave has a special place in the history of Islam. It is the cave which Prophet Muhammed(saw) used as a hide out with his friend Abu Bakr(r.a) for three days just before the Hijrat(migration) Thawr cave is located 5 miles south of Mecca and the mountain Thawr has many hill and caves. Prophet(saw) and […]
Ikhlas : The essence of sincerity for Islamic aqeedah

The concept of Ikhlas is very essential to understand the Islamic aqeedah. Because Islamic aqeedah is not simply to believe in eternal life and an omni-potent creator but it is also a informational psyche that is perpetual and a life-style that fuels this psyche. Like many words that act as a milestone for Islamic aqeedah, […]
Sura Al-Kafiroon : Quranic Answer to Political Correctness

This sura has been revealed in Mecca, during the very turbulent times when the tyrannical moguls of Mecca was at full work trying to stop Prophet Muhammad(saw) fulfilling his divine task, calling humanity to Islam’s message. For many intricate reasons that are beyond the scope of this article, the moguls accepted or had the tendency […]
Parsimony and generosity according to Islamic ethics.

Allaj(j.j) indicates in his holy book about the kind of people who can not see beyond their firm grasp of worldly possessions: And let not those who covetously withhold of the gifts which Allah Hath given them of His Grace, think that it is good for them: Nay, it will be the worse for them: […]
Does being a zaheed means living in a cave?

In today’s world Muslims face many challenges, some are vitally dangerous to our faith. One of these challenges is the “issue of compatibility of Islam and modernism”. Like many of these so-called “issues”, the issue of compatibility of Islam and modernism is a fake one, and such construction has obviously has its roots in orientalism. […]
Hafaza Angels: 7/24 surveillance and protection of souls

In Islamic aqeedah, hafaza angels exist and they’re “nesting” on each shoulders of every human being. Hafaza and hafizeen are derived from the word “hafiz”. The primary meaning of the word hafiz is “the one who memorizes”. For instance, if a person reaches the honor of memorizing entire chapters of Holy Quran, he is considered […]
Other names of The Judgement Day

Holy Quran appoints the judgement day several different names other than just “judgement day”, most probably to draw attention to different reflections of such a day and create a deeper awareness around it. Here is a list of these names: 1) Yawm Al-Khurooji : Day of Coming Forth The day when they will hear the […]
Abd : Defining human existence

Abd is an fiqh related term in Islamic studies, it as well has an great significance as a tasawwuf concept as well since it radically defines and an paints an existential depiction who and what is an human being in regards of Allah(j.j) The simple definition of the term abd means is “slave” but this […]
Importance of equitable administration and leadership in Islam

Existence of a fair judge and comprising an equitable governor or administrator in any position are highly emphasized in Islam. This kind of administrator manages and supervises everyone under his responsibility with fair and just treatment and by doing so, he would necessitate one important obligation addressed to mankind by Allah(j.j) A fair judge will […]