Names of Quran

In sura Al-Loqman, the second ayat indicates a name for Quran, which is “Hakeem” These are Verses of the Wise Book (Al-Loqman 31/2) It can never do justice to the translation of the word Hakeem to Wise. Sure, the meaning of the wise is contained in the word “Hakeem” but there is a slight nuance […]
Personal Development notes based on Holy Quran-1

Here is the list of some of ayats of Holy Quran that can serve as an example of “personal development list”. Any of these suggestions hold a valuable insight to modern day human’s psyche on “well-balanced behavior and psychological well-being” as well as inspirational brainstorming on ethical manners and attitudes. Al-Isra 17/37: Be modest and […]
Usul-Al-Fiqh : The methodology of study of fiqh

Usul is the plural of the word asl which means, roots, establishment. Usul-al-fiqh is an Islamic jurisprudence term that describes the whole sum of methodologies used to bring proofs of every Islamic decision, conclusion for laws that has a place in Islamic fiqh. It is important to stress that fiqh doesn’t mean “law” only. Some […]
Four grand angels in Islamic faith

According Islamic aqeedah, in other words faith system, there are four major angels that have various tasks and hold a special “mention” in the divine order. There are many suras in Holy Quran that teaches us about the characteristics about angels, yet what we know about them is very little compared to the unknowns and […]
Sura Al Asr : A miraculous epitome of Quranic Essence

Sura Al-Asr is the 103rd sura of Holy Quran and it contains 3 ayats. It is one of the shortest suras in Quran, however despite its length, it’s meaning is immensely deep, thus we can safely call it a semantic miracle to mention such a deep “hidayat”(the right path) with only three short ayats. It […]
Sources in studying history of Islam

When we look at all the works released under the label of “History of Islam” we’ll notice that scholars in this field have studies six different categories: 1) History of prophet and nations before Islam 2) Studies of sirat and maghazee. Sirat means life style and total sum of behavioral characteristics of one […]
Yahya Efendy : The sufi whom Solyman the Magnificent esteemed

Yahya efendy was one of the awliya’s of Istanbul. He was also known as Yahya bin Omar Beshiktashi. He was born in Trabzon in 1494 and passed away in Istanbul in 1569. His father was Omar of Damascus, and he was the khadi in Trabzon. Khadi means the supreme leader of a city appointed by […]
Prophet Salih(a.s) and Qawm Thamud

Thamud nation is mentioned in Quran, they are an ancient Arab nation whom dwelled between Hejaz and today’s Syria. In Holy Quran Qawm Thamud has been quoted 26 times in several different suras. Prophet Salih(a.s) was sent as a messenger and precursor to this nation. The main reason is to draw a dire warning to […]
Al-Adillah Al-Arba : Four Sources in Islamic Law

Adillah is the plural of the word, daleel, which means proof and evidence. Arba means four. There are four sources which base the formation for every kind of reasoning in figh. First one is the Holy Quran. It is not only a book of faith and spirituality but it also compasses rules in any given […]
Gabn : Fiqh term in Islam about buying and selling

Gabn is an term of Islamic law which means deceiving and cheating during the fiscal process of buying and selling. Profiting from commerce is naturally lawful in Islam, however trying to conceal faults of a product or trying to over-praise its attributes to make it seem more valuable than its real value is definitely forbidden […]