Unhallow deaths : Graves, graveyards and non-existence of mortuary celebrations in Islam.

Western level of thinking usually fails to comprehend the beauty in the simplicity of Islamic aqeedah’s approach to burials, graveyards and visiting etiquettes of graveyards. We believe the roots of such deficiency lies in the fact of incomplete and insincere belief in “life-after-life”. Afterall, if someone believes life on earth is just a passage-way, what’s […]
Characteristics of Wali according to Islamic tasawwuf – 1

The word awliya is the plural form of the word wali, which is an important denomination in Islamic Sufism. The word denomination has a ring of “group of religious congregations having its own organization and a distinctive faith” in it but we must note beforehand that the word wali is a title attained to a […]
Quran Tafsir : Sura Al Kahf

This sura which has been revealed in Mecca is the 18th sura in the Holy Quran. It has been named after “a group of people living in the cave”, since Al-Kahf means cave in Arabic. That chapter, which will be discussed briefly below is considered as name-giver for this sura. It tells the qissa(news-story) of […]
Personal Development notes based on Holy Quran-2

We continue examining some ayats from Holy Quran that would constitute as “notes for Personal development” Ar-Rahman 55/7-8-9: Embrace balanced decision and firm judgement by taking inspiration from the perfect order of the universe. Since this order has been meticulously designed by Allah(j.j), it will give you deeper insight about how and why you should […]
Ottoman Tafsir Tradition

Ottoman empire was an Islamic empire that reigned between 13th and 19th centuries. For two centuries, between 14th and 16th they were the super-power of the world. Ottoman empire had a great impact in many disciplines of Islamic studies, both in the formal scholarly fashion, in other words, madrasa studies and also in the informal […]
An overall blue-print to fight Islamophobia

In today’s world, where most of the western media “enjoys” boosting up their ratings via negative portrayals of Muslims and pumping insipid fear-mongering, every Muslim should equip themselves with proper tactics to resist against Islamophobia and possibly convert this resistance into a clement allurement that will invite mankind to Islam. Some of these tactics for […]
Riyazah and Mujahadah : A diet for the soul

The concepts of riyazah and mujahada are two instruments for Taqwa, both related with Islamic tasawwuf. Since for all Sufis, taqwa is the ultimate be-end-goal for all and since Holy Quran has many, rich flavors of different definitions of taqwa, every concept related to taqwa should be studies thoroughly if one is in deed interested […]
Sense of Justice according to Islamic Fiqh

The word “adalah” means justice and it has connotations of justly behavior and finding a common ground with balance. It also means to stay away from every form cruelty and having mercy. Islamic sense of justice means treating everyone equally in front of laws regardless of people’s race, ethnic and cultural backgrounds and social positions. […]
Horns of Judgement day according to Islamic aqeedah

There are two terms of “Nafha-e Ula” and “Nafha-e Saneeyah” in Islamic aqeedah. Nafha means to blow and these stages represent the phases of the “final hour”. Actually there is only one “horn of judgement day” but this horn will be blown twice, therefore we’re mentioning it as “horns” And the Day that the Trumpet […]
Shamael-e Sharefe: Exemplary Nature and Personal Habits of Rasulullah(saw)

We all know that Prophet Muhammad(saw) is a role model for every Muslim. Shamael-e Sharefe is a term used in Sunnah and Islamic history to describe the total sum of behaviors, attitudes and daily habits of him. This Shamael term has rings of “character and spirit” as well, sharefe means the honored one. His sahaba […]