Sura Ash-Shams : Dangers of blind arrogance against cosmology

Sura Ash Shams is the 91st sura in Holy Quran and in just about short 15 verses, we’re reminded about an ancient nation who kept a blind eye against bare miracles of their creator and faced an inevitable punishment in the end. The sura starts with oaths to sun and moon, probably to direct non-believers’ […]
Azm and Tawakkul : Determined trust in the ultimate judge and the final administrator

Both azm and tawakkul are essential milestones for understanding Islamic faith, especially if one is inclined to compass the strong foundations of this belief system where it takes many of its roots from tasawwuf, Islamic Sufism. Azm means wishing something strongly with determination and being patient and showing perseverance. There are many verses in Holy […]
Urwati Al-Wusqa : Holy Quran : The strongest grip one can hold onto

Urwati Al-Wusqa is a Quranic term to describe Islamic faith, urwat means grip, something that holds another thing firmly and wusqa means something really strong both in the physical and spiritual sense, something that’s reliable. This concept is mentioned in Holy Quran in two ayats and has occupied the minds of mufassirs for a long […]
The most important horsemen trio in the history of mankind

In the prologue of the beloved movie among Muslims, The Message, we see three horseman galloping in the vast solitude of the desert. Then, these three horsemen separate their routes, after greeting each other with “Salam”, they all ride into different directions. Their names are, Dihyah al-Kalbi, Abdullah bin Huzafa and Hateep bin Abu Balta, […]
Explaining Sunnah to modern day readers for a better understanding of Holy Quran.

A hadith narrated from Aise(r.a) informs us that Prophet Muhammad’s ethics and ethical manners were based on Holy Quran. This hadith alone is enough for every Muslim to grasp the true meaning of importance of following firmly Rasulullah(saw)’s sunnah. We all know that in order to understand Quran in a better way, we follow him. […]
Haya : Concept of Shyness in Islamic Thought

Haya is an important topic in Islamic aqeedah and ethics and one of those unique terms that are difficult to translate into western languages. Haya is one of the main ingredients of Islamic ethics, one prime attribute of a “true Muslim”. First, Haya’s orientation and reference point is not “this world”. One can have haya […]
Sadreddeen Konawee : Mawlana Jalaludin Rumi’s teacher

City of Konya lies in the middle of the Anatolian peninsula and has been abundant when it comes to Islamic scholars and tasawwuf aleems for centuries. The city today is famous for the tomb of internationally well-known mutassawuf and poet Mawlana Jalaludin Rumi and his companion Shams-e Tabriz. However, city of Konya is the home […]
Sura At-Tin : Existential History of Mankind

This short, 95th sura of Holy Quran has been revealed in Mecca and has been named as Tin, since it starts with an oath to Fig and Olive in the first ayat. Tin means Fig and Zeytun means Olive. Why the oath to fig and olive and what is its significance to creating of mankind […]
Perception of Islamic finance in the media

Despite the Islamophobic climate in today’s western media and abundance of arrogant bias towards anything Islamic, we read mostly “positive” remarks about Islamic finance in the same mediums. Islamic finance is a contemporary term and is a bit problematic. Islam encompasses every ground in life, therefore it also has something to say about how we […]
Prophet Noah(as) according to Quran-1

Prophet Noah(as) is mentioned in Holy Quran in many verses and there is an entire sura dedicated to his life and his struggle to call his nation to the message of Allah(j.j). Noah(as) is considered as the first of “Ulu’l Azm” prophets. This term is used to describe a prophet that shows “extra-effort” in terms […]