Ahl-i Qible : Beyond the Madhabz, Beyond the locational differences.

Ahl-i Qible is term to describe a Muslim to orients himself to the Qabe in Mecca and performs salat, which is considered as the main pillar of Islamic faith. The term qible explains the direction that every Muslim must turn to while performing salat, which the Qabe in Mecca. There is also spiritual and abstract […]
Hafaza Angels: 7/24 surveillance and protection of souls

In Islamic aqeedah, hafaza angels exist and they’re “nesting” on each shoulders of every human being. Hafaza and hafizeen are derived from the word “hafiz”. The primary meaning of the word hafiz is “the one who memorizes”. For instance, if a person reaches the honor of memorizing entire chapters of Holy Quran, he is considered […]
Abd : Defining human existence

Abd is an fiqh related term in Islamic studies, it as well has an great significance as a tasawwuf concept as well since it radically defines and an paints an existential depiction who and what is an human being in regards of Allah(j.j) The simple definition of the term abd means is “slave” but this […]
Dawah : converting Islamophobia into an invitation to Islam

In today’s climate, fighting Islamophobia can be tricky. We are surrounded by negative portrayals of not just contemporary Muslims but all prominent figures of Islam history, including the Prophet Muhammad(saw) himself. A decade ago average “modern” western individual considered Islam as an “mysterious Middle eastern or Asian belief system” depending on their world-map reading capacity. […]
Akhirat:Belief in Afterlife in Islam

The word Ákhirah or Akhirat has a meaning of “the ultimate, the ending, finally”. It has opposite meaning of “before”. In Islamic literature, it is used to describe “after life, life after death and the other side” The world here is the place for the living things and the Akhirat is the phase of afterlife. […]
Hawas-i Selime : Elements of cognition according to Islamic aqeedah

Hawas-i Selime is a concept in Islamic aqeedah related with how we perceive our world and how we process the information we receive from it. Hawas is the plural of hassa, its semantic roots has several layers of meaning related to words like cognition, understanding and faculty of perception. Selim means something that works and […]
Prophet Jesus(a.s) and Virgin Mary(r.a) according to Holy Quran and Islamic faith

In today’s Islamophobia and disinformation driven world, many westerners are surprised to find out about substantial information about Prophet Jesus(a.s) and his mother Virgin Mary(r.a) contained in Holy Quran and therefore in the teachings of Islamic faith. The dominant media expects a gain from quarrels between Christians and Muslims, thus would do their best to […]
Amal-i Saleeh : Personal Ego Eraser

Amal-i Saleeh is an important concept in Islamic aqeedah. Saleeh can be simply explained as “good” and amal is “works”. In many cases, amal-i saleeh is translated into English as “good deeds” but it is actually a bit problematic, if not short sighted, to claim such correspondence. Because “sawaap” also means every little good action […]
Types of Shirk : To be or not to be a true Muwaheed

Among Muslim scholars, shirk is considered as the greatest sin and there are many types of it according to Islamic aqeedah. Shirk is against the very nature of Islamic aqeedah, tahweed, which is uniqueness and oneness of Allah(j.j) Apart from some nations whom consider their history and their secular system above everything, we don’t see […]
Tahgoot : Perpetual Characterization of Evil Systems

The term taghoot is closely related with the tahweed concept which is the core establishment of Islamic aqeedah. The word taghoot comes from the root tega which is related to toogyan as it means “rebellion against Allah(j.j) Anyone or any “ism” or any political movement or ideology or socio-economic system that rejects the arbitraments and […]