Urwati Al-Wusqa : Holy Quran : The strongest grip one can hold onto

Urwati Al-Wusqa is a Quranic term to describe Islamic faith, urwat means grip, something that holds another thing firmly and wusqa means something really strong both in the physical and spiritual sense, something that’s reliable. This concept is mentioned in Holy Quran in two ayats and has occupied the minds of mufassirs for a long […]
Sura At-Tin : Existential History of Mankind

This short, 95th sura of Holy Quran has been revealed in Mecca and has been named as Tin, since it starts with an oath to Fig and Olive in the first ayat. Tin means Fig and Zeytun means Olive. Why the oath to fig and olive and what is its significance to creating of mankind […]
Prophet Noah(as) according to Quran-1

Prophet Noah(as) is mentioned in Holy Quran in many verses and there is an entire sura dedicated to his life and his struggle to call his nation to the message of Allah(j.j). Noah(as) is considered as the first of “Ulu’l Azm” prophets. This term is used to describe a prophet that shows “extra-effort” in terms […]
Quran Tafsir : Sura Al Kahf

This sura which has been revealed in Mecca is the 18th sura in the Holy Quran. It has been named after “a group of people living in the cave”, since Al-Kahf means cave in Arabic. That chapter, which will be discussed briefly below is considered as name-giver for this sura. It tells the qissa(news-story) of […]
Personal Development notes based on Holy Quran-2

We continue examining some ayats from Holy Quran that would constitute as “notes for Personal development” Ar-Rahman 55/7-8-9: Embrace balanced decision and firm judgement by taking inspiration from the perfect order of the universe. Since this order has been meticulously designed by Allah(j.j), it will give you deeper insight about how and why you should […]
Names of Quran

In sura Al-Loqman, the second ayat indicates a name for Quran, which is “Hakeem” These are Verses of the Wise Book (Al-Loqman 31/2) It can never do justice to the translation of the word Hakeem to Wise. Sure, the meaning of the wise is contained in the word “Hakeem” but there is a slight nuance […]
Personal Development notes based on Holy Quran-1

Here is the list of some of ayats of Holy Quran that can serve as an example of “personal development list”. Any of these suggestions hold a valuable insight to modern day human’s psyche on “well-balanced behavior and psychological well-being” as well as inspirational brainstorming on ethical manners and attitudes. Al-Isra 17/37: Be modest and […]
Sura Al Asr : A miraculous epitome of Quranic Essence

Sura Al-Asr is the 103rd sura of Holy Quran and it contains 3 ayats. It is one of the shortest suras in Quran, however despite its length, it’s meaning is immensely deep, thus we can safely call it a semantic miracle to mention such a deep “hidayat”(the right path) with only three short ayats. It […]
Prophet Salih(a.s) and Qawm Thamud

Thamud nation is mentioned in Quran, they are an ancient Arab nation whom dwelled between Hejaz and today’s Syria. In Holy Quran Qawm Thamud has been quoted 26 times in several different suras. Prophet Salih(a.s) was sent as a messenger and precursor to this nation. The main reason is to draw a dire warning to […]