Sura At-Takathur : Bragging about plenitude and what is wrong about it

Takathur is a short, Meccan sura that warns mankind about the perils of showing off and bragging about worldly possessions and the consequences of such actions if one pursuit them until it becomes a life-style. Everyone in contemporary world, except a tiny fraction, would criticize “the system of capitalism” at every possible chance. In other […]
Sura Al-Kafiroon : Quranic Answer to Political Correctness

This sura has been revealed in Mecca, during the very turbulent times when the tyrannical moguls of Mecca was at full work trying to stop Prophet Muhammad(saw) fulfilling his divine task, calling humanity to Islam’s message. For many intricate reasons that are beyond the scope of this article, the moguls accepted or had the tendency […]
Quran Tafsir : Sura Luqman : The wisdom in parental advisory.

Sura Luqman is the 31st sura in the Holy Quran and has been revealed in Mecca. The sura derives its name from Prophet Luqman(as) who is also descendant of Prophet Abraham(as). The main message in the sura is what Luqman(as) gives his son as an advice and tells him to stay away “shirk”, which he […]
Quran Tafsir : Sura Al-Isra : A marvel of ethical manifest

Sura Al-Isra is the seventeenth sura in Holy Quran. It starts with telling about the Prophet Muhammad’s(saw) miraculous ascending to heavens and since Isra means “night walk, night journey”, this sura is named after it. According to a hadith in Tirmidhi revealed from Aisa(r.a), Rasulullah(saw) didn’t go to bed before reading sura al-Isra and sura […]
Sura An Noor : Enlightening our souls and families

This beautiful sura in Quran is the 24th sura and has been revealed in Madina. In the 35th ayat, it describes the noor of Allah(j.j), therefore the name of the sura is Sura An Noor. The whole sura is blueprint for happy family life and emphasizes the importance of family structure. The relationship between firm […]
Asateer-ul-Awwaleen : Non-believers ineffective strategy to defame Quran

Asateerul-Awwaleen is a Quranic term to describe some of the non-believers criticism against the holy book. Asateer means fabricated story, fable. Awwaleen means earlier. Non-believers claimed that Quran was not a divine word but rather, especially its cautionary qissas were “stories of the ancient past”. This term of Asateerul Awwaleen is found in many verses […]
Sura Ad-Dhuha and Sura Al-Inshirah : Motivational recipes in Islamic aqeedah

These suras are two consecutive sura, 93rd and 94th respectively and their core meaning is to boost up morale of a believer especially if they are going through dark periods. Usual interpretation is that, these suras have been revealed to Prophet Muhammad(sav) regarding a specific period in his life, but these two suras can be […]
Ancient nation of Ad: Qawm Ad

Qawm(nation) of Ad is an ancient Arabic tribe which settled today’s Yemen and Oman. They are mentioned in several suras of Holy Quran to set an example of a society that has rejected Allah’s(j.j) prophets’ messages and their call for faith. Allah(j.j) sent Prophet Hud(a.s) to people of Ad, where they did everything they could […]
Sura At-Takwir : The burden of contemplating over doomsday events

Sura At-Takwir is the 81st sura of Holy Quran and has been revealed in Mecca and its main subject is judgement day. It is one of the suras that Prophet Muhammad(sav) mentions as “the kind of sura that has increased “aging” of me. So, how can a sura age a person, especially the very prophet […]
Quran Tafsir : Sura Al-Zalzala

Sura Al-Zalzala It’s the 99th sura in Holy Quran. Some scholars argue that it has been revealed in Mecca but an account from Abu Said El-Hoodre strengthens the possibility that this sura has been revealed in Madina. Because he asked Prophet Muhammed(saw) about the last two ayats of this sura; Then shall anyone who has […]