Sibgetullah Arwasi : An Awliya from Bitlis

He is one of the most important scholars of late Ottoman era and he is one of the students of Taha-i Hakkari. He passed away in the year of 1870 and his tomb is located in Gayda village of Hizan district in Bitlis. With the influence of his father he started studying tafsir, hadith, and […]
Taha-i Hakkari : An Awliya from Hakkari

He is one of the important awliyas from Anatolia region of the Islamic world and he is considered as a member of “Silsile-i Aliyye”, who is the fortunate group of awliyas whom spent and dedicated their lives to forecasting mankind about the do’s and don’ts of Allah(j.j) He is the 11th grand-son of the great […]
Adabali : An awliya from the birth period of Ottoman Empire

Adabali was one important awliya of Anatolia and he had a prominent role during the establishment years of Ottoman empire. He was the father in law and the teacher of Othman Gazi, who was the first sultan of Ottomans. It is believed that he was born in Karaman in the year 1206 and passed away […]
Birgivi : An Awliya of Smyrna

His real name is Muhammad, but he is known after the name of Smyrna’s town of Birgi, where his tomb is located. He was born in the city of Balıkesir in 1521 and passed away in 1573 in the town of Birgi, Smyrna. History remembers him also by the name of İmam-ı Birgivi and he […]
Nashuhee Uskudari and three levels in tasawwuf

Nashuhee Uskudari was one the awliyas of Istanbul, in the 17th century. He belonged to the order of the Halwatiyya. He was born in Uskudar district of Istanbul in either 1647 or 1648 and passed away 1718. From early age, his father showed special care for his education, he attended madrasa and studied tafsir, hadith […]
Ibrahim Haqqi : An awliya from Erzurum

Ibrahim Haqqi was born in Erzurum in the year of 1703. In his own words he describes his early life as “For twenty-five years I worked hard to study “ilm” and I’ve been in love with Allah since forgetting about the whole world and its affairs and thus I became an areef. Then I left […]
Ashrafoglu Rumi : An awliya from Nicaea

Ashrafoglu Rumi, who is also known as Ashrafzade-i Rumi is one of the medieval Anatolian mutasawwufs from the city of Nicaea. This city holds a special place in the history of Ottomans since it served in the 14th century as a capital city for the Ottoman empire. The city is also famous for handcrafts and […]
Sadreddeen Konawee : Mawlana Jalaludin Rumi’s teacher

City of Konya lies in the middle of the Anatolian peninsula and has been abundant when it comes to Islamic scholars and tasawwuf aleems for centuries. The city today is famous for the tomb of internationally well-known mutassawuf and poet Mawlana Jalaludin Rumi and his companion Shams-e Tabriz. However, city of Konya is the home […]
Ottoman Tafsir Tradition

Ottoman empire was an Islamic empire that reigned between 13th and 19th centuries. For two centuries, between 14th and 16th they were the super-power of the world. Ottoman empire had a great impact in many disciplines of Islamic studies, both in the formal scholarly fashion, in other words, madrasa studies and also in the informal […]
Yahya Efendy : The sufi whom Solyman the Magnificent esteemed

Yahya efendy was one of the awliya’s of Istanbul. He was also known as Yahya bin Omar Beshiktashi. He was born in Trabzon in 1494 and passed away in Istanbul in 1569. His father was Omar of Damascus, and he was the khadi in Trabzon. Khadi means the supreme leader of a city appointed by […]