Culture of Bay’ah : Pitfalls of Orientalism in understanding history of Islam

Bay’ah is such a culture that holds a special place in the history of Islam which describe the relationship between Prophet Muhammad(saw) and his companions & friends whom we usually refer to as “The Sahaba” Bay’ah means acceptance, affirmation and giving a promise to remain loyal on certain accounts. Some sources try to explain the […]
Trip to Taif : Saddest day in the life of Rasulullah(saw)

In the year Prophet Muhammad’s(saw) beloved companion Khadije(r.a) and Abu Taleb(r.a) passed away, which is also called “the year of sorrow”, he made a trip to the city of Taif with the hopes of inviting the city’s population to Islam. This was at a time when the Mecca’s population’s arrogant objection to his divine call […]
Thawr Cave : a story of a shelter from the pages of history of Islam

Thawr Cave has a special place in the history of Islam. It is the cave which Prophet Muhammed(saw) used as a hide out with his friend Abu Bakr(r.a) for three days just before the Hijrat(migration) Thawr cave is located 5 miles south of Mecca and the mountain Thawr has many hill and caves. Prophet(saw) and […]
Fuqahay-i Seba:Seven Faqih of Madina

Seven faqih who lived in Madina. They are from tabiun. Faqih is a scholar who is an expert in Islamic jurisprudence. Some children of the sahaba and tabiun moves to rural areas and kept a low profile during the reign of Umayyad Dynasty, since some of the sahaba disdained the authority of the Umayyad Dynasty. […]
Life of Sahaba and why it matters to Muslims to know about them

The word sahaba is the plural of sahib and is used to describe certain group of people in the history of Islam who has seen and/or heard Prophet Muhammad(saw) at least once in their lifetime. All Islamic scholars consider them to be superior to mankind after all of the prophets of Allah(j.j). There are even […]
Jahiliyya : A Sample of modern times

The Term Jahiliyya is used to describe the period before Islam and Prophet Muhammad’s(saw) divine call for the people of Arabian peninsula. It comes from the word jahil, which means ignorant, such a word is used to point out a man who lacks necessary knowledge about a particular subject. In broader term it might also […]
The most important horsemen trio in the history of mankind

In the prologue of the beloved movie among Muslims, The Message, we see three horseman galloping in the vast solitude of the desert. Then, these three horsemen separate their routes, after greeting each other with “Salam”, they all ride into different directions. Their names are, Dihyah al-Kalbi, Abdullah bin Huzafa and Hateep bin Abu Balta, […]
Sources in studying history of Islam

When we look at all the works released under the label of “History of Islam” we’ll notice that scholars in this field have studies six different categories: 1) History of prophet and nations before Islam 2) Studies of sirat and maghazee. Sirat means life style and total sum of behavioral characteristics of one […]

Ashabu’r-Ray Ray means ballot, cast or opinion. Ashabu’r Ray means “people of the opinion” or more correct translation would be “people with the opinion” Some of the sahaba acted on their own opinion if the aforementioned issue couldn’t not be resolved based on evidence from Quran or Sunnah. Indeed, such license and approval was given […]