Types of Shirk : To be or not to be a true Muwaheed

Among Muslim scholars, shirk is considered as the greatest sin and there are many types of it according to Islamic aqeedah. Shirk is against the very nature of Islamic aqeedah, tahweed, which is uniqueness and oneness of Allah(j.j) Apart from some nations whom consider their history and their secular system above everything, we don’t see […]
Non-Linearity of End Times Concept in Islamic Aqeedah

Many belief systems rely on attracting followers by foreshadowing upcoming events and relish in being harbinger of eschatological happenings since humankind is naturally and ever-presently is interested in “knowing and/or predicting the future”. Today, many charlatans are regarded as “futurologists” and we watch documentaries about them, how in their twisted lunacy and haze, they “predicted” […]
Attributes of Allah(c.c) according to Islamic Aqeedah

In Islamic aqeedah, there are two types of attributes of Allah(j.j) which should not be mixed with Asma-ul-Husna. Asma-ul-Husna is 99 names of Allah(j.j), these fourteen attributes are more like properties that describe our creator. These attributes are divided in two categories; Zatee Attributes(The ones that are found only in Allah(j.j) and unique to Him) […]
Tahgoot : Perpetual Characterization of Evil Systems

The term taghoot is closely related with the tahweed concept which is the core establishment of Islamic aqeedah. The word taghoot comes from the root tega which is related to toogyan as it means “rebellion against Allah(j.j) Anyone or any “ism” or any political movement or ideology or socio-economic system that rejects the arbitraments and […]
Haya : Concept of Shyness in Islamic Thought

Haya is an important topic in Islamic aqeedah and ethics and one of those unique terms that are difficult to translate into western languages. Haya is one of the main ingredients of Islamic ethics, one prime attribute of a “true Muslim”. First, Haya’s orientation and reference point is not “this world”. One can have haya […]
Unhallow deaths : Graves, graveyards and non-existence of mortuary celebrations in Islam.

Western level of thinking usually fails to comprehend the beauty in the simplicity of Islamic aqeedah’s approach to burials, graveyards and visiting etiquettes of graveyards. We believe the roots of such deficiency lies in the fact of incomplete and insincere belief in “life-after-life”. Afterall, if someone believes life on earth is just a passage-way, what’s […]
An overall blue-print to fight Islamophobia

In today’s world, where most of the western media “enjoys” boosting up their ratings via negative portrayals of Muslims and pumping insipid fear-mongering, every Muslim should equip themselves with proper tactics to resist against Islamophobia and possibly convert this resistance into a clement allurement that will invite mankind to Islam. Some of these tactics for […]
Horns of Judgement day according to Islamic aqeedah

There are two terms of “Nafha-e Ula” and “Nafha-e Saneeyah” in Islamic aqeedah. Nafha means to blow and these stages represent the phases of the “final hour”. Actually there is only one “horn of judgement day” but this horn will be blown twice, therefore we’re mentioning it as “horns” And the Day that the Trumpet […]
Four grand angels in Islamic faith

According Islamic aqeedah, in other words faith system, there are four major angels that have various tasks and hold a special “mention” in the divine order. There are many suras in Holy Quran that teaches us about the characteristics about angels, yet what we know about them is very little compared to the unknowns and […]