Praying with Asma Ul-Husna

Allah(j.j) decrees in Holy Quran in Araf 7/180 : The most beautiful names belong to Allah: so call on him by them; but shun such men as use profanity in his names: for what they do, they will soon be requited. Any person who pray to Allah should try to utilize “beautiful names of Allah”, […]
Rasulullah(saw) On Education

Prophet Muhammad(saw) is the last prophet sent to mankind. Therefore, it is absolutely essential to understand that his sunnah, sum of all of his behaviors, attitudes, actions and mental faculties are based on principles which are universal. In such context, his attitude towards education highlights the importance and the value of “knowledge” in Islam. Since […]
Psychological Benefits of Dhikr

All forms of religious exercises, prayers and dhikrs induce the soul closer to Allah(j.j). Dhikr means remembering Allah(j.j) both in heart and tongue as well. Such acts give one’s self the impression that he is under the guidance and protection of Allah(j.j) and his hopes for salvation and bond of forgiveness will become stronger consequentially […]
Yaqeen : Absolute form of belief

Yaqeen is an aqeedah term in Islam, related to the degree of faith. According to Islamic logic, yaqeen is a term used to describe a state of mind or a state of “postulate” that doesn’t need any further explanation or assumption. Such state is considered as “proven beyond doubt and needs no further allegations or […]
Characteristics of Angels according to Islamic thought

To believe in angels is an obligatory action, in other words, fard, for every Muslim. It is an essential prospect of Islam since certain attributes regarding their existence and characteristics are briefly mentioned in Holy Quran and many hadith of the Prophet(saw) Since angels are intermediary creatures that transmit the divine revelation from Allah(j.j) to […]
Bayna’l Khawf Ve’r Raja – Between Hope and Fear

This is a term of Aqeedah, belief system and it means to strike a balance of “hope and fear” while one spirit’s journey on the path to Allah. Khawf means fear, raja means hope. One should have a balance of both, neither should dominate the soul. There should be room for both feelings. It is […]
Akhirat:Belief in Afterlife in Islam

The word Ákhirah or Akhirat has a meaning of “the ultimate, the ending, finally”. It has opposite meaning of “before”. In Islamic literature, it is used to describe “after life, life after death and the other side” The world here is the place for the living things and the Akhirat is the phase of afterlife. […]
Hawas-i Selime : Elements of cognition according to Islamic aqeedah

Hawas-i Selime is a concept in Islamic aqeedah related with how we perceive our world and how we process the information we receive from it. Hawas is the plural of hassa, its semantic roots has several layers of meaning related to words like cognition, understanding and faculty of perception. Selim means something that works and […]
Amal-i Saleeh : Personal Ego Eraser

Amal-i Saleeh is an important concept in Islamic aqeedah. Saleeh can be simply explained as “good” and amal is “works”. In many cases, amal-i saleeh is translated into English as “good deeds” but it is actually a bit problematic, if not short sighted, to claim such correspondence. Because “sawaap” also means every little good action […]
Beauty of non-iconographic mentality in Islamic Aqeedah

Since the beginning of mankind’s “written” history, humans used every kind of symbols to communicate. Language, a set of symbols is one the communication tools. There are other mediums for communication, icons are the driving force behind the flow of communications. Without icons, human interaction through symbols would be very shallow and boring. Humans tend […]