Bathi Badal Mawt : Belief in resurrection according to Islamic thought

This term is one of pillars of Islamic faith. Every Muslims believes in resurrection, the concept of returning to life after death on the day of judgement. It is also called “hasree ajsad” which means gathering and union of the corpses. Or, alternatively, it is named as nashae uhra, the second creation. Quran warns; The […]
Not just worship : Semantic layers of the word ibadah.

The word ibadah corresponds to such a life style and state of being, which is one of the fundamental structures of Islam. If Islam is a like ship, ibadah is the mast. However, this important notion’s meaning is not underscored properly if it is translated into English just as “worship” Language is a living organism. […]
Ahl-i Qible : Beyond the Madhabz, Beyond the locational differences.

Ahl-i Qible is term to describe a Muslim to orients himself to the Qabe in Mecca and performs salat, which is considered as the main pillar of Islamic faith. The term qible explains the direction that every Muslim must turn to while performing salat, which the Qabe in Mecca. There is also spiritual and abstract […]
Ikhlas : The essence of sincerity for Islamic aqeedah

The concept of Ikhlas is very essential to understand the Islamic aqeedah. Because Islamic aqeedah is not simply to believe in eternal life and an omni-potent creator but it is also a informational psyche that is perpetual and a life-style that fuels this psyche. Like many words that act as a milestone for Islamic aqeedah, […]
Hafaza Angels: 7/24 surveillance and protection of souls

In Islamic aqeedah, hafaza angels exist and they’re “nesting” on each shoulders of every human being. Hafaza and hafizeen are derived from the word “hafiz”. The primary meaning of the word hafiz is “the one who memorizes”. For instance, if a person reaches the honor of memorizing entire chapters of Holy Quran, he is considered […]
Other names of The Judgement Day

Holy Quran appoints the judgement day several different names other than just “judgement day”, most probably to draw attention to different reflections of such a day and create a deeper awareness around it. Here is a list of these names: 1) Yawm Al-Khurooji : Day of Coming Forth The day when they will hear the […]
Abd : Defining human existence

Abd is an fiqh related term in Islamic studies, it as well has an great significance as a tasawwuf concept as well since it radically defines and an paints an existential depiction who and what is an human being in regards of Allah(j.j) The simple definition of the term abd means is “slave” but this […]
Dawah : converting Islamophobia into an invitation to Islam

In today’s climate, fighting Islamophobia can be tricky. We are surrounded by negative portrayals of not just contemporary Muslims but all prominent figures of Islam history, including the Prophet Muhammad(saw) himself. A decade ago average “modern” western individual considered Islam as an “mysterious Middle eastern or Asian belief system” depending on their world-map reading capacity. […]
Tahajjud:Nightly Prayers

Nightly prayers is one important religious exercise, which is not obligatory but highly recommended to Muslims since Prophet Muhammad(saw) kept on performing this type of prayer, which is also know as Tahajjud prayer. In the beginning this prayer was obligatory for all Muslims; O thou folded in garments! Stand (to prayer) by night, but not […]
Types of Tawheed : Integrity of Islamic aqeedah

Tawheed is the core, fundamental belief segment in Islam and basically it means to reject any deity other than Allah the almighty. Any sane person would not claim partnership to His creation in this age and would stay away from paganism. However tawheed in Islamic aqeedah has a broader meaning, it is not just related […]