Al-Adillah Al-Arba : Four Sources in Islamic Law

Adillah is the plural of the word, daleel, which means proof and evidence. Arba means four. There are four sources which base the formation for every kind of reasoning in figh. First one is the Holy Quran. It is not only a book of faith and spirituality but it also compasses rules in any given […]
Gabn : Fiqh term in Islam about buying and selling

Gabn is an term of Islamic law which means deceiving and cheating during the fiscal process of buying and selling. Profiting from commerce is naturally lawful in Islam, however trying to conceal faults of a product or trying to over-praise its attributes to make it seem more valuable than its real value is definitely forbidden […]
Islam:Faith and documentary
Documentary about Islamic faith
Islam: Empire of Faith
This part is about the Rasool Muhammad SAW and the rise of Islam after its early turbulent history.
Islamophobia: The Challenge of Pluralism in the 21st Century

Islamophobia has been on the rise since September 11, as seen in countless cases of discrimination, racism, hate speeches, physical attacks, and anti-Muslim campaigns. The 2006 Danish cartoon crisis and the controversy surrounding Pope Benedict XVI’s Regensburg speech have underscored the urgency of such issues as image-making, multiculturalism, freedom of expression, respect for religious symbols, […]
The Islamophobia Industry: How the Right Manufactures Fear of Muslims

WITH THE RISE OF “stealth jihad,” “creeping Sharia,” “Islamofascism,” and “terror babies” in places like “The United States of Islamica,” “Eurabia,” and “Londonistan,” who wouldn’t be scared? Fear sells and the Islamophobia Industry — a right-wing cadre of intellectual hucksters, bloggers, politicians, pundits, and religious leaders — knows that all too well. For years they […]
When the Moors Ruled in Spain
When the Moors Ruled in Spain (1 of 11). A story of a muslim Spain of history.
Surrendering Islam

Surrendering Islam – The subversion of Muslim politics throughout history until the present day by David Livingstone and Sahib Mustaqim Bleher paperback, 178 pages. A transatlantic cooperation between David Livingstone and Sahib Mustaqim Bleher – takes the reader into the murky world where Arab heads of state, CIA operatives, former Nazi agents, Sufis and mainstream […]
Awliyas:Mehmet Emeen Thokadee

Mehmet Emeen Thokadee was one of most the influential mutaṣawwufs of Ottoman empire during the 17th century. He was born in city of Tokad in the Anatolian peninsula in 1664 and passed away in 1745 in Istanbul. He is also considered as one of three grand awliyas of Istanbul. He started studying “ilm” at early […]

Ashabu’r-Ray Ray means ballot, cast or opinion. Ashabu’r Ray means “people of the opinion” or more correct translation would be “people with the opinion” Some of the sahaba acted on their own opinion if the aforementioned issue couldn’t not be resolved based on evidence from Quran or Sunnah. Indeed, such license and approval was given […]